Tuesday, February 11, 2014

TED Talk, My Favorite Quote

TED Talk, My Favorite Quote
“He watched where everybody was going and went the other direction.” (Mike Rowe, TED Talk)
This was my favorite quote in Mike Rowe’s TED Talk about his different experiences with some of the dirtiest jobs this country has to offer. In this quote, Mike Rowe describes the pig farmer’s individuality by telling his story of how his job makes him happy and satisfied. The pig farmer shares with Mike how he is contempt with what he is doing in life and doesn’t need to be conformed to today’s society of the uprising business world. His job that consists of physical labor and tending to pigs and other livestock all day makes him happier than sitting at a desk job for hours on end. When offered billions for his farm, he turned down the money because it would not be something that would make him happy in life. Although the farmer has one of the harder, more enduring jobs this country has to offer, he doesn’t let that part of the job phase him. When Mike describes the farmer’s perspective on his job he states how he thought he was crazy for turning down the money. Mike realizes though, that it is what makes the man happy and he himself was reminded of that life lesson to do what makes you happy in life and not stray far from it. When stepping back and realizing that there is so much more to life than money or the “happiness” money can bring you, one can find the key to true happiness and satisfaction in life.


  1. Hanna, I liked how you brought up the fact that often times there are things other than money that can make you much happier. I think in today's society we are so programed to go with the flow. When offered a higher job position, or an opportunity that will present you with more money, we automatically take it without a second thought. In the quote “He watched where everybody was going and went the other direction.”, I think you did a nice job of contradicting this 'stereotype'. The quote you chose reminded me of a quote by Robert Frost; “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference...” I think it is important that we learn to every once in a while take a step back, look to see what is happened around us, and maybe take a risk. Who knows where the untraveled path may lead us.

  2. Hey Hanna! I definitely agree with what you said and what Claire had to say. So many people in our generation focus on finding something that's going to make them lots of money because they tie happiness with having wealth. I know when I'm asked what I want to do in college I always reply with " I don't know yet but, something that's going to ensure me financial security." I realize how bad that sounds now. People should be focusing on finding something that they are passionate about, not something that is going to provide wealth. The pig farmer chose to find happiness and the money to him was just a plus but, wasn't the sole provider of his happiness. Our generation should really be thinking more about this.
